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Trek challenge

Walking is a great way – if not the best way – of getting and keeping fit. Almost anyone can complete a walking challenge for charity with the right preparation; there are no barriers!

Our trekking challenges range from something for the complete beginner to those looking for an extreme hike at altitude. Those looking to get into trekking might start small – say a ten-minute walk around the block – and continue with that. Or that can build up and become something extraordinary, like the charity treks you see on these pages. If you’re looking for walking challenges, then we have them in abundance here.



“With our help, you'll trek in some of the most spectacular environments the earth has to offer, either challenging yourself or doing it all in the aid of your favourite charity.”



The challenges vary in their difficulty, taking place in destinations across the globe; from the stunning Peruvian highlands once occupied by the Incas, to the awesome architecture of the Great Wall of China, not forgetting the incomparable natural beauty of the Grand Canyon. Or, if you’d prefer, you can undertake a trekking challenge a little closer to home, in the form of the wildly-popular Three Peaks or even 24 Peaks Trek. The choice, as ever, is yours

Whether you're taking on one of our trek challenges for charity or as a personal challenge, rest assured we will have the perfect adventure for you.  With our help, you’ll finish with memories you’ll be able to look back on for the rest of your life, helping an incredibly worthy cause in the process.