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Challenge Events for your Charity

If you want to help your supporters raise funds through challenge events, but aren’t sure where to start, you’re in the right place!

We are more than just a challenge event management company – our core objectives and values derive from event fundraising and ultimately your supporter journey. This ethos is driven down from the directors through the business, to each team and member of staff.

We feel privileged to have worked with over 1,500 charities during our time organising charity challenge events. From large national charities to local appeals, we can support you in delivering some fantastic and profitable events.

Our passion for challenge event fundraising runs deep and we aim to ensure we deliver safe, memorable and life-changing challenge experiences for your supporters. This in turn enables you to raise substantial funds and create lifelong supporters!

Your charity can work with us on an Open, Bespoke or Corporate basis - further information on these services can be found below.

  1. Open Challenges
  2. Bespoke Challenges
  3. Corporate Challenges

Our team are on hand to support you throughout your journey with us – please contact us using the details below and we’ll be in touch.

Open Challenges are the ideal way for any charity to get involved with challenge events without the stress of recruiting minimum numbers. Your charity can benefit from just one supporter joining us!

Develop your challenge event calendar – quickly and easily

We have a fantastic portfolio of Open Challenges to suit a range of audiences, from long-haul overseas treks and cycles through to one-day walking challenges in the UK. We work alongside you to select the best events for your supporters and with no costs to be involved, you can grow your event calendar instantly.

No financial outlay

We never charge a charity to become a working partner of Global Adventure Challenges. There are no up-front costs and you do not have to reserve a place on an event before promoting it to your supporters. Your charity only contributes towards any event cost once a participant has sent you the necessary funds. Open Challenges are specifically designed not to expose your charity to unnecessary costs.

Flexibility – the best payment options for you and your supporters

Each challenge event has at least two payment options for your supporters to choose from – Payment Option A (Minimum Sponsorship) and Payment Option B (Self-Funding). You can obtain more information by visiting the Payment Options page here.

Some charities only promote the self-funding option to keep resources and expenditure on point, and some only promote the minimum sponsorship option as this guarantees a much larger return and donation. However, many of our charity partners promote both options as this gives you and your supporters flexibility on how the event is funded.

Free marketing, recruitment advice and support

We can provide you with online brochures that are pre-embedded with your branded registration links, to help you launch quickly and save valuable time and potential funds designing your own. In addition, we can supply a fantastic range of imagery to help spruce up any challenge event web pages and newsletters you may send to your database. Once you become a charity partner you will be allocated a dedicated Account Manager who will be on hand to offer first-class advice on marketing and recruiting your supporters to undertake a challenge. Your charity will also be listed on our website as a cause that visitors can support.

Personalised registration links for your supporters

Once set up as a charity partner, we will send you bespoke registration links for you to use on your website so that supporters can register for our challenges. Each link will be branded to your charity and some parts of the registration process will be pre-populated so that your supporters never lose focus of the cause they are supporting.

Participant Account Hub

Our Account Hub offers an easy way for participants to manage their booking from the moment they register, allowing them to access all the information they need in one convenient place. This includes challenge documents like training tips, kit lists, and ATOL certificates (if applicable), payment schedules, event arrangements and more!

Your Supporter Care and our Customer Care

We believe that we offer the best service in Customer Care – we deeply value the journey that your supporters are embarking on and through the provision of the below services, we believe they will keep coming back to Global Adventure Challenges to undertake further events for your charity:

  • Dedicated Customer Care department whose sole job is to look after your supporters. Giving participants a dedicated point of contact aids their experience, knowing someone is always 

    there to help and offer advice.

  • Detailed, informative, and comprehensive pre-challenge information. We ensure each participant is well equipped and full of knowledge when embarking on their challenge, and leave no stone unturned.

  • Presentation and information nights/sessions are a great way to either launch your Open Challenge, or simply get your supporters together for a detailed Q&A session with our leaders – fantastic for building relationships with your donors!

  • We love to help out wherever we can and we've teamed up with the following affiliate partners to supply discounts for your supporters: Cotswold Outdoors – 10% off, Nomad Travel – 10% off.

  • We like to reward participants who continue to undertake challenges for your cause and offer your supporters 10% off the registration fee for their next challenge, and 20% off if they complete our post-challenge survey.

  • We offer training weekends so participants are fully prepared. These are a fantastic, cost-effective way for your supporters to train and test out their kit before their big challenge!

Free places for charity representatives

We understand the value of creating long-term relationships with your participants – it’s all part of their journey to becoming life-long ambassadors for your cause. We believe there’s no better way to build and develop that relationship than having a charity representative join them on the challenge itself!

To find out more about our Open Challenge program and to see how we can help you, please contact Judy Baigent at judy@globaladventurechallenges.com or call 01244 676454

Bespoke challenge events are an excellent way to convey the work of your charity and create long-term relationships with your participants as every person taking part will be raising funds for your cause. They’re proven to create bonds with your supporters, coupling a passion for your cause with the satisfaction of completing the challenge. Because of this, we find repeat participation is much higher when compared to other types of events.

It is your event

We work with you to ensure the challenge is operated with the charity at the fore. A dedicated account management team ensures you are fully supported and your expectations are met and surpassed. We provide you with all the challenge information for you to create your own materials that fall in line with your brand and charity message. You can send the information you want, when you want and aren’t bound by our communication schedule. That said, please be assured that you are not just left to it – we are always in the background offering advice, support and guidance to ensure your participant's experience is a memorable one.

Your message is clear

Your charity’s brand and message are clear throughout the whole process, and the photo opportunities for further marketing and PR opportunities are amazing. Picture it, a sea of participants all wearing your branded t-shirts, waving flags in front of globally iconic locations such as Machu Picchu!  You are welcome to bring as much branding as you can to spruce up campsites, water stops etc – this will drill home the work of the charity and ensures each participant remembers that you and your cause, are the reason for these lifelong, special memories.

Free charity place

Each of our bespoke challenge event packages includes a free charity place. This enables the charity to develop relationships with each participant and to discover further fundraising opportunities. We feel it’s vital to have a representative join any bespoke challenge, it allows your charity to be involved at each step. For example, you can be present at group briefings and talk about the reasons why people are taking part, what the fundraising means to the charity and most importantly, how the money raised will be spent.

The world is your oyster!

We can deliver a bespoke challenge event (pretty much!) anywhere in the world! We have a database of well over 150 challenge itineraries – just contact us to discuss your requirements.  Our website displays the challenges that are scheduled, not what we can and have organised, so if you can’t see your preferred destination or activity on our website please get in touch – we’ve probably been there and done it already!

Financial and income control

You have complete financial control when it comes to your bespoke challenge. You decide on the registration fee and minimum sponsorship required to take part. You also have the opportunity to tailor the costs specifically to your needs, including for example, what you wish participants to pay for themselves (e.g. airport taxes and fuel surcharges).

Tailor your challenge experience!

Tailoring your challenge is an exciting way to offer something different and unique to your cause. You can alter the length of a challenge and incorporate visits to local projects and attractions – the choice is yours! If you’re an animal charity, perhaps incorporate a visit to an animal sanctuary or park? Or if your charity works abroad include a visit to your local beneficiary or project to show the great work you're doing.

Tiered pricing

With bespoke challenges, the more participants you have to take part the cheaper the price per person. We pass on any savings of having large groups directly to you so that you can raise more from the event per participant. Bespoke challenges are not cost-effective with groups less than 15 (Open Challenges are cheaper due to having larger groups) but reaching over 25 participants you will see some significant cost savings!

Marketing support

It’s in our best interest to support you with recruitment so we are here to help in the following ways:

Additional levels of support – from us to you

Delivering a Bespoke Challenge can increase your current workload and levels of administration, but please believe us when we say that the rewards are worth it! If however, your charity is working to full capacity and you can’t handle the extra paperwork, we are here to help! We can fully administer the challenge on your behalf without you losing any control – it’s still very much your event!

For further information on Bespoke Challenges or to arrange a meeting, please contact Peter Robinson pete@globaladventurechallenges.com