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Bespoke Challenges are excellent ways to really convey the work of your charity and create long-term relationships with your participants – with every person taking part raising funds for your cause.

They’re special and proven to create bonds with your supporters, coupling a passion for your cause with the satisfaction of completing the challenge. Because of this, we find repeat participation is much higher, compared to other types of events.

It is your event

We work with you to ensure the challenge is operated with the charity at the fore. A dedicated account management team ensures you are fully supported and your expectations are met and surpassed. We provide you with all the challenge information for you to create your own materials that fall in line with your brand and charity message. You can send the information you want, when you want and aren’t bound by our communication schedule. That said, please be assured that you are not just left to it – we are always in the background offering advice, support and guidance to ensure your participant's experience is a memorable one.

Your message is clear

Your charity’s brand and message is clear throughout the whole process, and the photo opportunities for further marketing and PR opportunities are amazing. Picture it, a sea of participants all wearing your branded t-shirts, waving flags in front of globally iconic locations such as Machu Picchu!  You are welcome to bring as much branding as you can to spruce up campsites, water stops etc – this will really drill home the work of the charity and ensures each participant remembers that you and your cause, are the reason for these lifelong, special memories.

Free charity place

Each of our bespoke challenge packages includes a free charity place. This enables the charity to develop relationships with each participant and to discover further fundraising opportunities. We feel it’s vital to have a representative join any bespoke challenge, it gives your charity the opportunity to be involved at each step. For example, you can be present at group briefings and talk about the reasons why people are taking part, what the fundraising means to the charity and most importantly, how the money raised will be spent.

The world is your oyster!

We can deliver a bespoke challenge (pretty much!) anywhere in the world! We have a database of well over 150 challenge itineraries – contact us to discuss your requirements.  Our website displays the challenges that are scheduled, not what we can and have organised, so if you can’t see your preferred destination or activity on our website please get in touch – we’ve probably been there and done it already!

Financial and income control

You have complete financial control when it comes to your bespoke challenge. You decide on the registration fee and minimum sponsorship required to take part. You also have the opportunity to tailor the costs specifically to your needs, including for example, what you wish participants to pay for themselves (e.g. airport taxes and fuel surcharges).

Tailor your challenge experience!

Tailoring your challenge is an exciting way to offer something different and unique to your cause. You can alter the length of a challenge, incorporate visits to local projects and attractions – the choice is yours! If you’re an animal charity, perhaps incorporate a visit to an animal sanctuary or park? Or if your charity works abroad include a visit to your local beneficiary or project to show the great work you're doing.

Tiered pricing

With bespoke challenges, the more participants you have take part the cheaper the price per person. We pass on any savings of having large groups directly to you so that you can raise more from the event per participant. Bespoke challenges are not really cost effective with groups less than 15 (Open Challenges are cheaper due to having larger groups) but reaching over 25 participants you will see some significant cost savings!

Marketing support

It’s in our best interest to support you with recruitment so we are here to help in the following ways:




Information nights to your supporters with the aim to get them fully committed to the challenge ahead – this is by far the best method of recruitment!





With a dedicated in-house team, we can promote your event to our social audience, driving recruitment.





Over the years, we've built up a big database of past, present and hopefully, future participants. We're more than happy to highlight your challenge to people we think will be interested in your event.



Additional levels of support – from us to you

Delivering a Bespoke Challenge can increase your current workload and levels of administration, but please believe us when we say that the rewards are worth it! If however, your charity is working to full capacity and you can’t handle the extra paperwork, we are here to help! We can fully administer the challenge on your behalf without you losing any control – it’s still very much your event!


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For further information on Bespoke Challenges or to arrange a meeting, please contact Peter Robinson