Set Yourself a New Challenge in 2018!

Set Yourself a New Challenge in 2018!

Creative ideas to challenge yourself in 2018

Feeling stuck in a rut? Well, if you want to give yourself a fresh challenge in 2018, then here are a few ideas on how to go about it!


Stride out on a charity hike at a choice of iconic locations around the world, from Snowdon to Kilimanjaro or even the Sahara Desert. Walking has to be one of the most beginner-friendly of all fitness activities - plan ahead, and you can build up your stamina gradually from walking just ten minutes a day, to accomplishing something astounding and making memories to last a lifetime.    

Snowy sled spectacular

Have you a team of huskies to hand? If not, don’t worry! Sign up with us for a sledding challenge, and you can enjoy an incomparable experience in which few have a chance to participate. Chase the Northern Lights through Norway and Sweden as you dash across the stunning snowscape that’s a world away from our everyday urban lives. Enjoy an event of a lifetime - sign up today!

Put the pedal to the metal

Jump on your bike and take part in a charity cycle challenge! Raise funds for a good cause and push your limits. Whether you want an overseas location or somewhere closer to home, at night or during the day, there’s a cycle route to suit all. You can pedal from one coast to another or simply cycle through your favourite city, saddle up and see!

Take part in the London to Paris - Tour de France challenge, and you’ll not only complete the well-established route, but you’ll top it off with the finale of the Tour de France! Pedal where the best in the cycling world have gone before you, and see how you measure up. There’s a challenge if ever there was one!   

Volunteers are vital

Alternatively, support a worthwhile cause in a different way by volunteering with a cause that’s close to your heart, and help someone else accomplish their challenge too. Step up and take part in one of the many events organised throughout the year.  Looking for inspiration? We work alongside so many fantastic causes – check out our Choose your Charity page!

Your next challenge

So there you have it - a few ideas for how you can put a spring in your step by undertaking a new challenge in 2018. Now all you’ve got to do is sign up! Keyboard at the ready - it’s time to begin.  

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