Emma's Dalai Lama Adventure!

Emma's Dalai Lama Adventure!

At the end of last year, Emma took on our Dalai Lama Trek and explored the magnificent foothills of the Indian Himalayas! We caught up with her to hear all about her Indian adventure …


Hi Emma! Well done on conquering our Dalai Lama Trek! The photos you’ve taken look amazing – can you explain a little bit what the scenery was like?

Thank you, it was a great experience. The scenery is spectacular as you’d expect from the Himalayas. The stunning mountains provide a beautiful backdrop as you trek through villages, along the river and past waterfalls.

After arriving in Delhi, escaping to the foothills of the Himalayas is a complete contrast providing a great way to see the different sides to India.


It sounds beautiful! How hard did you find the challenge?

As you’d imagine it was challenging with certain sections steeper than I was expecting, but that just made it even more rewarding at the end of each day. We were very lucky with lovely weather throughout the challenge, but that also provided the extra challenge of coping with the heat.



But we bet the views made it all worthwhile! What training did you do to prepare for the challenge?

I try to keep fit generally, but once I found out I was taking on the Dalai Lama Trek I adapted my fitness routine slightly. I started to use the stair climber machine in the gym and gradually increased the time I spent on it as well as the speed. I also increased the amount of lower body strength training.

I’d suggest making sure your walking boots are broken in so that they are as comfortable as possible whilst you’re on the challenge - and get used to wearing a rucksack on your back for long periods.


Great advice! What was your favourite moment?

On Day 3 of the trek, we arrived at our campsite in the clouds and couldn’t see the view. Later in the evening the cloud cover slowly started dispersing to reveal a spectacular view across the Indian Himalayas. We then woke up early the next morning to watch the sunrise from behind the mountains. That was pretty special.

Reaching the 3000m level was also a personal highlight as I’d never trekked to that height before, and we were also in India during Diwali celebrations which just added to the cultural experience.


Wow! Watching that sunrise must have been such an incredible experience! Can you describe the challenge in three words?

Stunning, Inspiring, Unforgettable – It’s hard to narrow it down to just three, but I think they sum it up very well.

Now having done both a cycling and trekking challenge with Global Adventure Challenges – do you have a favourite?

I honestly love both. Cycling and trekking overseas provide new ways to see countries and experience different cultures. Having local guides allows you to gain a better insight into the area. I can see myself doing more cycling and trekking challenges in the future.


Completing challenges can become so addictive! What advice would you give to someone who was about to take on our Dalai Lama Trek?

Previously I had only completed a one-day trekking event so 5 days trekking is slightly different especially after a long journey. I would recommend building in consecutive trekking days into your training even if the distances aren’t as long as you will be doing on the challenge.

Ultimately the best advice is to just embrace it to the full. The trekking, the camping, the people, the sleeper train, the food, the culture, etc. combine to make it a memorable experience.


Very wise words! And what kit did you find useful to take with you?

I was given a tip to take a water bottle that can contain hot and cold water. You can use it as a hot water bottle in your sleeping bag to keep you warm at night and then by morning the water was cool for you to drink.

If you’re a light sleeper then make sure you take earplugs with you. Tent walls are thin so you can hear the noises of the great outdoors and possibly some snoring as well.

And finally - comfortable socks are a real bonus for tired feet.



Part of our Dalai lama Trek involves free time to explore the Taj Mahal. Did you enjoy visiting this iconic monument?

It was a great way to finish the trip, and you can truly see why it is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. It really is a remarkable piece of architecture and well worth a visit.

Amazing! And finally … Where would you like to adventure to next?

I would love to visit Cuba so our Cycle Cuba challenge is definitely on my list. I’d also like to do the Inca Trail to see Machu Picchu and tick of another one of the New Seven Wonders of the World from my bucket list.

Thanks for chatting to us Emma. We’re looking forward to hearing all about your next adventure!

If you have any questions about our Dalai Lama Trek then give us a call on 01244 676454 or drop us a message on our live chat below! We’d love to see you join us on an adventure of a lifetime as we explore the Indian Himalayas.

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