Fundraising for a Challenge While Social Distancing

Fundraising for a Challenge While Social Distancing

With many traditional fundraising methods currently ruled out due to social distancing, how can you continue to raise funds for your chosen charity? That’s the question we’re getting from many of our adventurers at the moment – luckily, we’re a creative bunch here at GAC, and we’ve come up with some suggestions to boost your sponsorship!

1. Use your time at home to have a sort-out, and sell anything you no longer need

There’s no better time for a sort out, with most of us spending more time than usual indoors! Now’s your chance to clean out the spare room, refresh your wardrobe or even… tidy under the bed. You’re bound to come across belongings that you no longer need but that someone else may be looking for – so get sorting!

2. Donate what you’re not spending money on

This is a simple one! If like most of us, you’re working from home then you’re likely to be saving money on fuel or travel fare. Set aside what you’d usually spend every week – you’ll be surprised how quickly it adds up. If you usually walk to work and grab a coffee or a muffin on your way in, then the same rule applies - get saving!

3. Hold a virtual pub quiz or coffee morning

One of the toughest parts of social distancing is missing friends and family that you’re used to seeing regularly – all the more reason to take your usual activities online! Round up your friends for a Zoom pub quiz – if everyone donates what they’d usually spend on drinks, then your sponsorship will add up quickly. If a coffee morning is more your thing, then you can take that online too!

4. Share your skills

Are your cake-making skills the envy of your friends and family? Or could you not tell the difference between a loaf tin and a brownie pan… Either way, those close to you would likely love to see you put your skills into action! Get on Facebook Live and ask for sponsorship in exchange for a live demo of your favourite recipe, or for seeing you make your first-ever cake… Just stay safe, and test the smoke alarm first.

5. Get your colleagues involved

Make your video meetings more interesting, and ask your colleagues to sponsor you to wear your pyjamas for your next catch up! If you’re already wearing your pyjamas to meetings, then why not ask for sponsorship in exchange for turning up in fancy dress – did someone mention the Easter Bunny?


And those are our top five tips for fundraising while social distancing! If you’re struggling to meet your sponsorship targets, please make sure you check your chosen charity’s website for their recommendations – they are the experts and are sure to be able to help! We’re also here to support you in the lead up to your adventure, so don’t hesitate to get in touch on 01244 676 454 or email us here if you need any advice.

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