Georgina's Great Wall of China Challenge!

Georgina's Great Wall of China Challenge!

The Great Wall of China Experience


Our Marketing Manager, Georgina, recently stepped outside her comfort zone and took on one of our most iconic challenges - the Great Wall of China Trek!


Welcome back and well done on completing our Great Wall of China Trek! What an incredible experience. Can you explain to us how you were feeling in the lead up to the challenge?

Thanks! I was quite nervous actually in the weeks leading up to the challenge – I’ve never done anything like this before so although I’m always talking about our challenges, to actually take one on was definitely a new experience for me! It was incredible though, and I’ve definitely caught the adventure bug!


How did you prepare for the challenge ahead?

I walked as much as I could in the lead up to the challenge to ensure my boots were well worn-in, and did plenty of lower body strength training to make sure my legs were ready for the challenge ahead! I also kept the kit list from my welcome pack in my bag at all times so I could tick off all the things I needed as I went along, rather than buying everything in one go.


Was adventuring along the Great Wall of China something that has always been on your Bucket List?

Oh definitely! I’ve always dreamed of visiting the Great Wall so to have the opportunity to spend five days trekking along different sections was truly amazing.


The Great wall of China


What did you find most challenging about the Trek?

It has to be all the steps! Although I had done lots of walking on steep hills in the lead up to the challenge the amount of steps still took me by surprise, and took a toll on my calves! By the end of the week though your muscles will be warmed up and used to it - so you’ll be surprised by what you can achieve!


What was your favourite day / moments of the challenge?

It has to be Day 4 – the longest trekking day. Spending the whole day exploring unrestored sections of the wall was absolutely incredible on its own, but the highlight was definitely at the end of the day when the sun started to set over the wall. The mountains stretch as far as the eye can see and as the light changes the scenery turns golden – such an amazing reward for a tough day’s trekking and one that will stay with you for a lifetime!


Views of the Great Wall


Did you have time to explore Beijing?

Yes! We had the opportunity to go on a full day tour of Beijing which was fantastic, visiting the Temple of Heaven, Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. We even took part in a traditional tea ceremony which was amazing! After spending five days trekking it was a change of pace to go into the city and take in the iconic sights.


Sight seeing in Beijing


What advice would you give someone about to embark on our Great Wall of China Trek?

  • Include lots of steps in your training if you can, and make sure you go on lots of hilly walks. Strength training is also fantastic to prepare your muscles for the challenge ahead!
  • If you can stay awake, I’d also really recommend taking part on the warm-up walk when you get to the hotel – although you’ll be exhausted from the flight it really helps to acclimatise and also to get to know your fellow trekkers!Whilst on the trek make sure you take the time to stretch before you set off for the day – your muscles will thank you for it!


The Great wall of China Experience


If you did the challenge again, what would you do differently?

I don’t think I’d do anything differently to be honest! Knowing now how quickly the time flies when you’re on the trek I’d just make sure I took everything in and made the most of the adventure.


If you could describe the challenge in three words, what would they be?

Wow, that’s a tricky one! If I had to pick just three words I’d have to say challenging, memorable, and incredible.


Where else would you like to adventure to?

I’d love to take part in our Alps Trek – the scenery looks amazing! I’ve also always wanted to visit India so our new Unite and Bike challenge in Kerala is definitely on my bucket list, and after taking on a trekking challenge it’d be exciting to try something completely different.



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