Katy's Inca Trail Journey

Katy's Inca Trail Journey

Our Marketing Officer, Katy, has recently joined us on our Inca Trail Trek and journeyed to the impressive Machu Picchu. Let’s see how she got on …


Inca Trail Start


Well done on completing the Inca Trail Trek! How did you find the challenge?

Thankyou! It was such a fantastic experience and definitely one of the best things I have ever done! The scenery along the Inca Trail was absolutely stunning, the local guides were all so friendly and arriving at Machu Picchu was one of the best feelings ever. It was definitely challenging in places – but our guides were incredible and helped motivate us when we were finding the trek tough.


It sounds amazing! How did you prepare for the challenge?

I made sure I went out on a lot of training walks in the lead up to the challenge – as many miles and hills as I could! I also went to the gym a couple of times a week to build up my general fitness and strength. I bought my walking boots well in advance to make sure they were fully worn in before heading to Peru – which I think really helped!


Inca Site


What was your favourite part of the trekking challenge?

Aah! It’s so hard to pick just one! I loved the fact that we saw so many other Inca sites along the way, the scenery was just breathtaking and the local guides were so friendly and positive! But my favourite moment, of course, has to be reaching Machu Picchu – words really can’t explain how amazing it is to see and explore this ancient city, it was magical. It should be on everyone’s bucket list!


Wow – that definitely fuels our wanderlust! Which day did you find most challenging along the Inca Trail?

That’s a tough one! The second and third day along the Inca Trail were both very challenging. The second day saw us trek to the top of Dead Woman’s Pass – the highest point of the trek at 4,200m. This is a really steep section of the trail, made even harder by the high altitude. But the feeling of reaching the top was amazing – everyone was cheering each other on. It was a fantastic atmosphere!

Then the following day was our longest day, as we trekked over the remaining two mountain passes – there was a lot of down hill on this day and my walking poles came in very handy! Both days were tough, but when you are surrounded by incredible views and supported by an amazing group of people it makes is all a little bit more achievable!


Top of Dead Woman's Pass


Where else would you like to adventure to?

Everest Base Camp is definitely on the top of my bucket list! I would love to explore Nepal and trek to the foot of the highest mountain in the world! I would also love to take part in our Remote Highlands Trek in Iceland – the scenery looks incredible. And of course, the Lapland Husky Trail sounds like an incredible adventure – and who wouldn’t want to go on an adventure with a team of Husky dogs?


And finally – what advice would you give to anyone signed up to our Inca Trail Trek?

Make sure you wear your hiking boots and back pack on your training walks – it will really help you prepare for the challenge! Also, make use of our Facebook groups – it’s a great place to get chatting to fellow trekkers and swap hints and tips and even meet up with each other for training walks! And finally, when you’re on the challenge make sure you have time to really take in your surroundings - put down your camera and just take a look at how beautiful it all is.


Machu Picchu


If you would like to follow in Katy's footsteps and journey to one of the New Seven Wonder's of the World. Head over to our Inca Trail Trek challenge page for all the information about this epic adventure! 

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