Lee's Adventures

Lee's Adventures

Katy, our Marketing Officer, caught up with Lee – one of our seasoned challengers, to talk all things adventure! Have a read of their interview here …

Hi Lee, thanks so much for agreeing to talk to us about your amazing adventures! So, which challenges have you been on with us – and can you possibly pick a favourite?

I've completed 3 challenges with Global Adventure Challenges. The events are London to Paris (2015), Mount Kilimanjaro (2016) and most recently Land's End to John O’Groats (2019). My favourite event was most definitely the Kilimanjaro Trek as it was my first ever mountain I had climbed. The views whilst ascending were truly breathtaking, especially when looking up at the stars outside of my tent the night before we summited. I won't ever forget those memories. 


Wow – that sounds magical! Which challenges have you found the most difficult?

Land's End to John O’Groats was particularly difficult due to the 1000 miles of cycling, nearly 70,000ft of elevation in total and having to cycle hours a day whilst it rained torrentially for 9 of the 12 days of the event. Mentally, LEJOG was extremely difficult, more than being physically exhausting. 


It doesn’t sound like you had the weather on your side! What would your top tips be for someone taking on one of our challenges?

Try to train in all-weather environments as you can't rely on good weather. You need to go out and get the miles and experience in before the event, even when you would rather be at home in the warmth (I wish I followed my own advice...)


Great advice! Is there a specific item that you always take with you on these challenges?

I always take a Garmin device with me so I can record my progress and share my challenges with the people sponsoring me. It's nice to be able to look back at past challenges and remember the achievement.


Absolutely! So, what motivated you to take on these challenges? Is it for a personal challenge or have you also raised funds for charity?

The challenges I take on are to raise money and awareness for the charities Cystic Fibrosis Trust (L2P) and Norfolk and Waveney Mind (Kilimanjaro + LEJOG). When the challenges are truly taking a toll on me, I like to think of those supporting me in my efforts and how much the money I raise will help those around me.

With the 3 events I have completed so far, I have managed to raise £8,097.91 independently. Because of my charity fundraising, I was given the award of Charity Champion of West Norfolk after summiting Kilimanjaro and was also invited to attend the Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace in 2016.


That’s fantastic! What an amazing fundraising amount Lee. You should be extremely proud! Can you pick a favourite moment from your adventures?

After cycling for 12 days through terrible weather and feeling exhausted, I had my friends and family waiting for me at the finish line of LEJOG. Knowing that I would see them at the end of the event kept me going mentally when I felt like giving up, especially when cycling over Dartmoor with one working cleat on my cycling shoes, waterlogged clothing and 8,000 ft of climbing in my legs!


That’s such a nice way to end a challenge! I bet it was great seeing their smiling faces at the finish line! What’s been your favourite country to visit?

The French countryside that we cycled through whilst on London to Paris was enjoyable, especially as the roads are well maintained and have very little traffic. It was a great experience being able to visit all of the war memorials and graves as we cycled too.


What’s the next adventure on your Bucket List?

I would like to do something different to other events I have completed previously. I quite like the idea of the National 3 Peaks Challenge in the UK, as I feel that it would be a challenge I have not taken on before. Other than that, running a marathon or something along those lines would be something new!


Amazing! I did the Three Peaks Challenge earlier this year, it’s a fantastic experience! Tough – but so worth it! What would you say to someone who is thinking of taking on a challenge?

The best feeling you can ever experience is knowing that you have achieved something you thought you would never be able to do. Once you summit a mountain or cross a finish line, you will be overwhelmed with true pride and accomplishment. Nothing beats that feeling!


We completely agree! And finally, would you recommend Global Adventure Challenges to your friends and family?

I would definitely recommend Global Adventure Challenges. The events are well organised and the challenge leaders are supportive throughout. I cannot wait to do another event in the future! 


We can’t wait for you to join us on another adventure in the future Lee! Thanks so much for chatting to us!


Lee on a Global Adventure Challenge


If you’d like to take on any of the challenges Lee has completed, or have any questions about any of our adventures, feel free to give us a call on 01244 676454 or email us at enquiries@globaladventurechallenges.com. We’ll help you to get your adventures underway!

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