London to Paris Bike Ride Reviews!

London to Paris Bike Ride Reviews!

With the Tour de France well underway, we are getting extremely excited about our upcoming London to Paris – Tour de France Cycle Challenge!

This epic challenge involves us cycling 315 miles from capital to capital, though stunning English countryside, through the rolling hills of Northern France and passed the war memorials of the Somme. A once in a lifetime finish then awaits us, as we cycle to the French Capital, around the Arc de Triomphe and finish at the Eiffel Tower!





If you’d like a little more convincing, then check out what our previous London to Paris challengers have to say –

London to Paris Review 1

London to Paris Review 2

London to Paris Review 3

London to Paris Review 4

London to Paris Review 5

London to Paris Review 6

London to Paris Review 7


For more information on our fantastic London to Paris Cycle Challenge and to sign up to our Tour de France edition click here, and get your cycling adventure underway!



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