Marketing Your Challenge Events in the Current Climate

Marketing Your Challenge Events in the Current Climate

To say it’s a tough time for promoting charity challenge events would be an understatement – we’re in an unprecedented situation and so it can be difficult to know how, or even if, you should continue to market your fundraising events. We’ve put together our top tips on promoting your challenges during the current climate – so that when the time comes to travel again, your supporters will be ready to go!

  • Build confidence

The biggest concern for your supporters when it comes to booking a challenge in the current climate will be the perceived risk. With so much uncertainty at the moment, no one can risk losing money if a challenge was cancelled – but there’s no need to worry! We’ve created a dedicated page on our site with all our COVID-19 FAQs, covering everything from what would happen if we cancelled a challenge to queries about insurance and how you can protect yourself. Just click here for all the info.

  • Focus on 2021 for Overseas Challenges

No one can say for certain when things will return to normal, so there is understandably some hesitance in making any firm plans in 2020. Whilst we hope for the best we also need to be realistic about the time it takes your charity to market and recruit, and so promoting overseas challenges for 2021 means that your supporters know they’ll have the time they need to get back on their feet and make a success of their fundraising before they set off on the adventure of a lifetime!

  • Don’t write off UK Events for 2020

We delighted to say that the outlook is much more positive for UK events in 2020, and we are still taking registrations for challenges later in the year. With lower minimum sponsorship amounts than overseas adventures, UK treks and cycles are a fantastic option for those who want to take on a challenge sooner rather than later!

  • Make the most of your audience

At the moment we’re all staying safe and following Government advice, which for most of us means that we’re staying at home. Your social media audiences are likely to be more active than ever – so now’s the time to start a conversation and engage with your community! Regular posts are a must – but the tone must be right. With social distancing in place we’re all craving a human connection, so sharing stories of past challengers and the impact their fundraising has had on your organisation will resonate more than ever.

  • Don’t forget about your blog

We know – finding the time to create content at a time like this seems impossible. But if you can, you’ll reap the rewards once things are back up and running! Coming back from a few months of inactivity is much tougher than creating small but regular updates. Your content doesn’t need to be anything complicated – sharing an older story with a recent update can be a fantastic way to get traffic to your past posts, or simply a quick message from your team on how they’re adjusting to their new ways of working will let people know that you’re still happy to engage.

  • Get tagging!

We love seeing your posts and the fantastic support you receive from your fundraisers, and we’d love to help by adding to your reach if we can! Make sure you tag us in your social media posts (our channels are included below) and we’ll share your messages with our followers.

And that’s it! Don’t forget we’re always here to support you with your challenge event promotion – so whether you’d just like a chat and some advice or you’re looking for wording for your website and social media posts, we’re here to help. Just email us here or call us on 01244 676 454.

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