Meet our Leaders - Sam Hughes

Meet our Leaders - Sam Hughes

If you're looking for some adventure inspiration, keep reading! One of our awesome Challenge Leaders, Sam, talks us through his favourite experiences.


How long have you been leading challenges?

Working 10 years, managing 9 years, overseas about 7 years.


How did you start, and what did you do before?

I've been a traveller, a teacher, a child care officer, worked in event support, as an event manager and then finally an overseas event leader!


What is your favourite challenge destination and why?

Costa Rica has everything! Rafting, hidden waterfalls, howler monkeys. SLOTHS! But Tanzania has had wild elephants in my campsite, Zebras cutting me up like London drivers and Masai Warriors guiding me through national parks. My favourite destination??? It all comes down to the group that go out with me. If they are up for an adventure then it’s gonna be fun :)


What’s your favourite country to visit, and why?

I love cycling in Europe, however working with such culturally diverse crews much further afield is always a wonderful experience. Tanzania, Burma and Costa Rica are my top picks. They are all so different in terrain, culture, wildlife and difficulty it would be impossible to choose between these special challenges. I would go back to these places every year if I could.


What is your most memorable adventure experience?

Far too many incredible and hilarious memories over the years. You’d think it would be leaping off a crystal clear waterfall in Costa Rica, playing football with a Masai Warrior beneath Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania or in a Bagan forest of temples at sunset. But the first LEJOG that GAC organised had 90% beautiful weather, a miracle to start with! Guiding the team through the wild north of Scotland and finishing with an Atlantic Ocean swim in our sexiest bib shorts below Betty Hill was pretty special. Bitterly cold, but after 1000 miles of cycling we were so happy that knew we would all make it to the finish together.


Thanks Sam!

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