Meet The Team - Abbie Edwards!

Meet The Team - Abbie Edwards!



1. When did you join Global Adventure Challenges and what’s your role?

I joined Global Adventure Challenges in April 2019, my role is Charity Account Manager.


2. What’s your favourite Global Adventure Challenge?

My favourite Global Adventure Challenge is probably the Dalai Lama Trek, this is because not only is it an exciting challenge but it incorporates so much of India’s amazing culture. You experience such a spiritual journey as well as a great physical challenge. The challenge offers a lot of amazing aspects such as experiencing an overnight train and visiting the Taj Mahal, not only do you feel a huge sense of achievement from this challenge but you return home with memories which last a lifetime. 


3. What do you enjoy most about your job? 

I enjoy the opportunity to offer individuals a once in a lifetime experience in aid of helping a cause that is close to their hearts. Win Win for everybody!


4. What’s your favourite country to visit?

Nepal, it has beautiful scenery of the Himalayan Mountains, amazing temples to visit and lovely villages. The people there are so friendly and hospitable and it is a truly amazing country to explore and the food is amazing!!


5. Where’s next on your adventure bucket list?


I want to complete the Inca Trail Trek, this challenge would push me physically to my limits but the payoff of the scenery of the stunning ruins of Machu Pichu would make the challenge more than worth it.


Abbie taking on Snowdon


6. What’s your favourite food?

Pasta pasta pasta!


7. What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?

I enjoy socialising, reading and going on new adventures when I am not working, this includes walks and canoeing. 


8. What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Bubbly, friendly and hungry


9. What’s your favourite quote?

“With freedom, books, flowers and the moon who could not be happy!”


10. What advice would you give somebody who is looking to do a charity challenge?

My advice to somebody looking to do a charity challenge would be to just bite the bullet and do it, you will only regret not doing it. All challenges are achievable with the right amount of enthusiasm and excitement, you will have the experience of a lifetime and be filled with a huge sense of achievement. I can guarantee you will not regret pushing yourself to do one when you have the amazing feeling of achievement and are filled with the wonderful memories of your adventure. 


If you'd like to chat to Abbie about any of our amazing challenges, then give her a call on 01244 676454 and she'd be more than happy to help!

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