Meet The Team - Rich Lupton

Meet The Team - Rich Lupton

Meet the Team Q&A – Rich Lupton. Head of Client Accounts.


1. When did you join Global Adventure Challenges and what’s your role?

I started 10 years ago promoting our Mass Participation challenges to corporate clients and it has been onwards and upwards from there!


2. What’s your favourite Global Adventure Challenge?

I took part in our Nepal Himalaya Trek back in 2015 and I found it life changing.  The scenery, people, fusion of Hinduism and Buddhism were outstanding and it really was the challenge of a lifetime.  I would go back in a heartbeat!


3. What do you enjoy most about your job? 

It’s really cheesy but being a positive influence on people’s lives.  Hearing that a group has raised thousands of pounds for a charity through one of our challenges is amazing and inspiring and it is a great feeling to know we have played a part in that.


4. What’s your favourite country to visit?

I took part in our Sahara Desert Trek in 2012 which was amazing and I have been back to Morocco a number of times. I love that it’s so different and such a melting pot of cultures.


5. Where’s next on your adventure bucket list?

Everest Base Camp!


Rich taking on the Himalayas Trek


6. What’s your favourite food?

Savoury – Cheese (all varieties). Sweet – marzipan (weird I know but I can’t get enough of the stuff!)


7. What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?

I have a 1-year old son so just spending time with him!


8. What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Opinionated, bald, Yorkshire


9. What’s your favourite quote?

"When you are going through hell, keep going!" Winston Churchill


10. What advice would you give somebody who is looking to do a charity challenge?

Pick up the phone, at our offices here in Chester we all have experience of taking part in our first charity challenge and remember what it feels like, so we can talk you through what to expect and give you as much information as you need to make an informed decision on what you want to do.  Our events really are special and I will treasure memories of my challenges forever so take the leap and live a life less ordinary….I’m glad I did!


Rich trekking through the desert on our Sahara Desert Trek


If you'd like to quiz Rich on his experiences on the Sahara Desert or Himalayas Trek - or have any questions on any of our incredible challenges then give us a call on 01244 676454 and Rich will be more than happy to help! 

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