Meet Teri - GAC Challenge Leader

Meet Teri - GAC Challenge Leader

Today we're bringing you a very special Adventure Journal - we asked our very first Challenge Leader, Teri, to talk us through how she started her career, and some of her highlights so far!

My career with GAC started over 20 years ago - I was the very first challenge leader/guide! 

After setting up my own Event Management company specialising in major events for charity, I was approached to lead their first trip to Borneo.  And as they say, the rest is history!  So began my wonderful, exciting, challenging career with Global Adventure Challenges.

From that first trip, I realised I’d found my true calling.  I loved the people I’d met and enjoyed listening to their backstories and reasons they were fundraising for a particular charity.  It was often heart-wrenching but always filled with love and compassion.  I’ve been truly blessed to be a part of this journey with so many amazing people.

Over the years I’ve been involved with recces for new trips and leading many, many challenges.  It’s hard to say which is my favourite place as I can honestly say they’ve all been amazing.  From the jungles of Borneo, trekking in the Nepalese and Indian Himalayas to the Sahara, Mount Toubkal, Kilimanjaro, kloofing in SA, the Great Wall and trekking with the Masai through the Rift Valley, the list goes on.  I always say my spiritual home is in India, but then seeing and experiencing Machu Picchu, which I love, is very close to being my spiritual home too. 

I did a trip through the Costa Rican jungle a few years ago for CAFT and we spent 7 days trekking through mud up to our knees, with flooded rivers and camping.  I don’t think I’ve ever been as dirty. However, it was fantastic with wonderful people. We all ran straight into the sea when we reached the Pacific to try and remove some of the mud before we could check into our accommodation. 

There are so many memories; I could go on forever.  Being caught in a sandstorm with my guide Jamal and a flatulent camel in the Sahara;  seeing the sunrise at the summit of Kilimanjaro;  experiencing the wonder of the Grand Canyon;  climbing to the top of the Heavenly Ladder on the Great Wall.   I’ve been truly blessed and hope my career continues for many years to come. 

Yes, there have been some difficult situations to deal with where you have to call upon every bit of experience and fortitude you can muster, but somehow you always manage to get through this.  Thinking on your feet is imperative as is a good sense of humour and a strong stomach!

The world is an amazing place and I thank all the local guides I’ve met in many different countries. They have become friends and I’ve been blessed to work with wonderful people. 

I hope to continue in my job which is to help clients to achieve their dreams and succeed in their challenge.

If you're feeling inspired, then head over to our Challenge page to find your next adventure. Who knows - maybe Teri will be leading you on your next challenge!


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