Is my money safe with Global Adventure Challenges?

Is my money safe with Global Adventure Challenges?

In a word – YES.

Taking on a challenge is a significant commitment, and the last thing you (or we) want is for you to spend your hard-earned money and be left out of pocket if the worst happens. In this journal we’re answering a few of our most commonly-asked questions about how your money is protected when you book a challenge with us, but we’ve also put together a comprehensive set of FAQs on the impact of COVID-19 – you can view them here.

Will I get my money back if my challenge is cancelled?

If due to travel restrictions or for any other reason it becomes necessary for us to cancel your challenge, you’ll be offered several options:

  • We can transfer your place on to another challenge in either 2021 or 2022 – this can be the same challenge or a completely new destination
  • If at this time you are unsure of which challenge you want to transfer to, we can issue you with a Refund Credit Note. The Refund Credit Note can be used to book another challenge at a later date and, in the meantime, it is protected by ATOL/Financial Protection Insurance. The Refund Credit Note will last until 30th September 2021.  If at that time you still haven’t decided on your new challenge, we will issue a cash refund
  • If you do not wish to transfer or receive a Refund Credit Note, we will issue a refund.

What if Global Adventure Challenges stops operating?

It’s obviously an incredibly turbulent time for the travel and charity challenge industries but we’re confident that the market will bounce back – we always do! However, if we were to stop operating, your money would be protected in several ways:

  • If you’ve booked an overseas challenge with us, then you are protected by the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) as we are an ATOL (Air Travel Operators License) holder.
  • If you’ve booked a challenge that doesn’t include flights, then you can be assured that in line with the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018, we are fully insured for your initial deposit and subsequent balance of monies paid.

You can find further information on our Financial Protection page here.

What is ATOL protection?

Put simply, the ATOL scheme provides support so that you are not at a financial loss or without assistance abroad if your ATOL holder ceases trading. When you sign up to a challenge with us that includes flights, we will issue you with an ATOL certificate to confirm that you are protected. This certificate tells you what to do if we were to stop operating, and confirms that you are protected from the day your certificate is issued until you complete your trip, or until you receive a refund. You can see an example certificate here.

What happens if I have paid my registration fee and then change my mind?

What happens now depends on what you want to do – if you don’t want to travel at all but your challenge is still going ahead then our standard terms and conditions would apply, and the registration fee you paid would be non-refundable in this instance. Depending on your circumstances your travel insurance provider may be able to help – which is why you must take out insurance as soon as you register! Any other challenge costs you may have paid would be refunded by us in line with the standard cancellation terms shown in our booking conditions.

If you want to cancel your place but still want to take on another challenge, then you will be offered a free transfer – whether that’s to the same challenge at a later date or a completely different challenge. If the registration fee for your new challenge is higher than what you’ve already paid then you would only need to pay the difference, or if the registration fee is lower then we would take the difference off your new challenge balance.

We hope this information helps to put your mind at rest and gives you the confidence to book your next challenge knowing that your money is safe with Global Adventure Challenges! If you still have questions then please don’t hesitate to contact us, either by calling 01244 676 454 or emailing


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