Reasons to Take on A Challenge In 2019

Reasons to Take on A Challenge In 2019

Are you thinking of taking on a new challenge in 2019, but not 100% convinced? Here are our top 5 reasons why you should make 2019 the year of adventure and take part in a charity challenge. It’s time to achieve something incredible and make 2019 the best year ever!


1. Tick Something Off Your Bucket List

Has your wanderlust got you dreaming of exploring somewhere new? Have you been thinking of taking on a new challenge? It’s time to stop wandering and start doing! Our challenging adventures take us to the most incredible locations all around the world. Hike to the summit of Kilimanjaro, cycle from coast to coast in Costa Rica or sled 270km from Norway into Sweden! By taking on a charity challenge you’ll be able to tick that something off your adventure bucket list. There’s no time like the present!


2. Support Your Chosen Charity

Make 2019 the year where you give something back. By taking on a challenge you can support your chosen charity and really make a difference to a cause close to your heart. In 2018 our challenges helped to raise over £1.8 million for local causes and nationwide charities. Ever kilometre hiked, cycled or sled really does count!


3. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Pushing yourself to do something out of your comfort zone will increase your confident levels, allow you to experience things that you never thought possible and will leave you with an overwhelming sense of achievement!

When you stop thinking of everything that could go wrong, and start thinking of what can go right, you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve! 


4. Make Friends for Life

Taking part in a charity challenge is an experience of a lifetime – and one that only your fellow adventurers will really understand. Many of our participants sign up as individuals, but then return home with lifelong memories and everlasting friendships.  


5. Improve Your Fitness

Our challenges range in difficulty levels – from challenging to extreme, but all of them require a certain amount of training beforehand. Having an end goal, such as reaching Everest Base Camp or cycling the length of Britain will be the motivation you need to keep training throughout the year. Regular gym sessions, walks or bike rides will increase your fitness levels and overall wellness – and help you on the way to conquer your goals!


Are you up for the challenge? Head over to and explore our wide range of adventures.


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