Training for a Challenge During Social Distancing

Training for a Challenge During Social Distancing

Following social distancing rules means that for many of us, our normal way of training for an event may be off the table. It’s important to stay in shape so that when the time comes to take on your challenge, you’re ready to go but that’s easier said than done, so we’ve put together our top tips for training for a challenge while social distancing.

1. Make the most of your space

With many countries in lockdown, people all over the world are getting creative as they continue to challenge themselves and stay in shape. While we’re certainly not suggesting you run a marathon on your balcony (but if you do, let us know!), we can all be inspired by their approach. If you’re lucky enough to have a treadmill, turbo trainer or exercise bike at home then things may be a little more straightforward but if not, replacing the stepper machine with your stairs and swapping Parkrun for garden run may be what’s needed!

2. Take the opportunity to vary your training

Thanks to YouTube, we can all access thousands of different workouts at any given time, for no cost. Now’s the perfect time to switch up your usual routine and add in some new elements. If you’re usually a keen runner, replacing a run with a HIIT (high-intensity interval training) routine can help to improve your pace. Alternatively, you can build your core strength with Pilates or workout your body and mind with Yoga – there’s something for everyone!

3. Set yourself goals

Ensure you stay active by setting yourself a daily step or distance goal. It can also help to get yourself into a routine, so why not make a weekly plan for what you’re going to do, and when?

4. Get your family members involved

If you’re isolating with others who live in the same household, then why not get them involved with your training! If the weather is nice then get out in the garden for some games or have some fun by following a workout video together. You can also go out for a walk together – but make sure you stay more than two metres away from others.

5. Be kind to yourself

This is an important one - understand that we’re in a unique situation and it will be almost impossible to replicate your usual training while staying safe and following guidance. Try not to put pressure on yourself to come out of the lockdown in your best shape ever. Everyone on your challenge will be in the same boat, and remember – you’re training for a challenge, not a race. Physical exercise can also be fantastic for your mental health – so try to enjoy it!


If you need any advice at all on preparing for your challenge, don’t hesitate to get in touch! Call us on 01244 676 454 or email us here, we’ll be happy to help. We can’t wait to see you on your adventure!

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