TrekFest 2018 Reviews!

TrekFest 2018 Reviews!

TrekFest 2018 was our most successful trekking challenge ever – with over 800 challengers taking part in either the 25km or 50km challenge.

Surrounded by the stunning scenery of the Peak District, our participants tested themselves to their limits both mentally and physically, whilst making the miles count for their chosen charity.

The response from the challenge was amazing – our new and improved Event Village went down a storm (especially the inflatable pub and Chill Out Tepee!). With the majority of participants camping over the whole weekend – this really was a trekking adventure like no other!

Take a look at what our TrekFest 2018 conquerors have to say …

Well done to everyone who took part in TrekFest 2018 – you are all heroes! Feeling inspired? Take on the challenge for yourself in 2019!


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