What to do in Vietnam and Cambodia

What to do in Vietnam and Cambodia

Vietnam and Cambodia are two beautiful countries in South East Asia, full of gorgeous landscapes, delicious food and important history. 


Our adventures take us to the most incredible locations and awe-inspiring sites in South East Asia, here we have gathered our top things to see and do whilst on our Vietnam and Cambodia based challenges!



Vietnam is the easternmost nation on the Indochinese Peninsula, boasting staggering natural beauty – including soaring mountains in the north, lush green rice paddies in the Mekong Delta region and shimmering sandy beaches along the coastlines. Here are our top three things to do in Vietnam…

Explore Ho Chi Minh City

Ho Chi Ming City is the starting point of our Vietnam to Cambodia Challenge, and we will have plenty of time to explore the sights and sounds of this fantastic city on Day 2 of our challenge. This vibrant capital is full of ancient pagodas, bustling markets and delicious street food! It’s great to walk around the city and soak up the atmosphere, making sure you watch out for the rapid motorbikes zig-zagging their way around this fast-paced city!

Top sites to visit in Ho Chi Minh City include the Reunification Palace; displaying the original tank that crashed through the gates of the palace on 30 April 1975, signalling the fall of the Saigon regime as well as the War Remnants Museum - a shocking reminder of the effects of the American War, with first person accounts by war veterans and horrific photographs of the aftermath.

Whilst exploring the city of Ho Chi Minh, make sure you stop for a coffee or try some of the delicious street food – the Pho is delicious!

Cruise the Mekong Delta

The Mekong Delta is one of Vietnam’s most densely populated areas and home to a number of vibrant communities; full of boats, houses and markets floating along the connecting rivers and streams. The Mekong River is the longest river in South East Asia – and the 12th longest river in the world, flowing through Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, before meeting the South China Sea just south of Ho Chi Minh City. On our Vietnam to Cambodia Cycle we will cycle through the lush green landscapes of the Mekong, along riverbank paths and passed colourful Khmer temples! The Mekong way of life has remained unchanged for centuries.

Visit a floating Market

A visit to Vietnam isn’t complete without experiencing a traditional floating market! On our Vietnam to Cambodia Cycle challenge we have chance to experience the Cai Rang floating market - The largest floating market in the Mekong Delta. It’s a fascinating and colourful experience, witnessing local farmers selling their local produce from their boats on this lively trading location.  


Vietnamese lady



Cambodia is home to some of the most incredible sights in the world, from the mysterious temples of Angkor Wat to the hustle and bustle of Cambodia’s Capital city, Phnom Penh.  Make sure you don’t miss out on these amazing sights on your trip to Cambodia…

The Ancient City of Angkor

The ancient city of Angkor was the centre of the Khmer empire that once ruled over Southeast Asia and is home to the largest religious monument in the world – Angkor Wat. Visiting this incredible temple complex should definitely be on your bucket list! The temples of Angkor Wat are a truly breathtaking sight, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the heart and soul of Cambodia. 

Other impressive temples situated within Angkor include the many faces of the Bayon temple and the overgrown Ta Prohm. Bayon, standing in the exact centre of Angkor Thom, is decorated with more than 200 smiling stone faces of Avolokitehvara glaring down at you from every angle. While at the Ta Prohm temple, the Cambodian jungle has shown its strength and entwined itself among the monument, demonstrating the amazing power of nature.

Both of our Cambodia based challenges ensure we have the opportunity to explore the magical ancient city of Angkor!

Kulen Mountain

The Kulen Mountain is part of the Dangrek Mountain Range and is a major feature of our Trek to Angkor Wat challenge. The mountain is considered the birth place of the Khmer empire, with many locals making pilgrimages to the pagodas on the mountain top. Dozens of archaeological sites are scattered around this jungle covered mountain. At the highest point, the sacred mountain reaches 487m, and from the top you can experience fabulous views across the forests and fields below.

Phnom Penh

The Cambodian capital Phnom Penh, is a vibrant bustling city situated on the banks of the mighty Mekong River. We will have chance to explore this fascinating capital on Day 6 of our Vietnam to Cambodia cycle challenge. There are many interesting sights to visit in and around the capital, including the striking Royal Palace and Silver Pagoda compounds, that sit together along the riverfront.

A trip to Phnom Penh should also include a visit to the Killing Fields of Choeung Ek. Not the most cheerful way to spend an afternoon – but an important one, as you can wander through the peaceful orchard filled with sad, hallowing reminders of this beautiful countries troubled past.


Angkor Wat, Cambodia - during sunset.


South East Asia is the perfect destination for a charity challenge, and home to two of our favourite adventures – our Vietnam to Cambodia Cycle and our Trek to Angkor Wat!

Our Vietnam to Cambodia Cycle is one of the best in the World. Starting this epic cycle challenge in the vibrant Ho Chi Minh City, we cycle for six days through traditional Vietnamese villages, passed paddy fields and along scenic rivers and streams, before enjoying a boat ride along the Mekong and crossing the border into Cambodia. From here we push on to the world-famous temple site of Angkor Wat – one of the most awe-inspiring wonders of the world! This cycle sees us cover over 360km, as we discover the real Vietnam and Cambodia.


What to do in Vietnam


The incredible Angkor Wat is also the final destination on our Trek to Angkor Wat Challenge. Our charity challenge starts in Siem Reap, perfectly located to explore the ancient capital of the mighty Khmer Empire. Trekking over hills, through forests and valleys, we witness the beautiful landscapes and the rural way of life of the local people. We ascend the upper plain of the Kulen Mountain before continuing onwards to explore Angkor Wat. Trekking for 85km over five days, this amazing charity challenge will take us on a magical journey.


Cyclists outside of Angkor Wat, Cambodia


Do you feel inspired to explore Vietnam and Cambodia? Make sure you check out our Vietnam to Cambodia Cycle and Trek to Angkor Wat challenges – and discover two of the most fascinating and friendliest countries in South East Asia!

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