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Welcome Tom

This is your dedicated hub for everything related to your booked challenge. If you can’t find an answer to a question from the information we have added to your challenge hub please don’t hesitate to call our fantastic Customer Care Team on 01244676454

Please complete missing information from your medical form.

Medical information

We require you to complete a medical questionnaire and must be completed using the form below. Your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence. Our policy is to encourage and support as many people as possible to take part in our challenges.

We request medical information from you in an endeavour to minimise risk to all participants, and for that reason, we ask that you disclose all your current medical conditions. Depending on the answers given you may need to get your Doctor to sign and stamp a medical declaration. If you are 70 years of age or over at the time of travel we will require a medical declaration to be authorised by your Doctor regardless of the answers given. If a Doctor’s signature is required our Customer Care team will contact

Fields marked* are mandatory

What is your height?*


What is your weight?*


Blood details (if known)

BMI (if known)

Are you taking any medication?*

Please list your medication*

Do you currently suffer from a medical condition(s) or have an historical medical condition that still affects you and could have an impact during the challenge or would be relevant in a medical emergency?*

Dietary requirements

Do you suffer from any food allergies?*

Medical declaration

It is a condition of joining any Global Adventure Challenge that in cases of emergency the Global Adventure Challenges representative has your authority to arrange any necessary medical or surgical treatments and to sign any required form of consent on your behalf. I hereby give permission for the Global Adventure Challenges Company’s medical advisor to discuss medical conditions relevant to this challenge with either my Doctor or hospital specialist. I also confirm that I will advise my insurer of any medical condition. Should I fail to do this, I understand that I will be liable for any medical costs incurred whilst on the challenge as a result of my condition. If I develop any new medical conditions or experience worsening of existing conditions aer completing this form, I agree to inform Global Adventure Challenges immediately.