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Open, Bespoke or Corporate?

What is an Open Challenge?

Open Challenges are exactly what they say, open to everyone! Our Open Challenges are an exciting opportunity for you to raise funds for the charity of your choice. It’s a fantastic way to support your favourite charity, particularly if they are not offering an event that suits you or at the time you wish to take part.

Open Challenges offer each participant a choice of payment options – either raise a minimum sponsorship or self-fund – the choice is yours. Further information regarding our Payment Options for Open Challenges can be found here.

Each participant on our Open Challenges will have the experience of sharing the adventure with other like-minded individuals, all raising funds for different charities, close to their heart. With multiple departures throughout the year, Open Challenges give participants ultimate flexibility on when to take part, how to fund their challenge and most importantly, the option to support any charity. You can easily see which challenge events are ‘Open’, as it will be highlighted next to the challenge date.



What is a Bespoke Challenge?

Bespoke Challenges are events delivered for one specific charity or private group, meaning if you want to take part you have to support the charity listed next to the event date and raise the funds required. Bespoke Challenges are a great way to meet others that are all raising funds for the same cause.




What is a Corporate Challenge?

Corporate Challenges are events delivered for one specific company, which means that only employees of that company can register to take part in the challenge. Corporate Challenges are a brilliant way to strengthen workplace relationships while fundraising for a charitable cause.



Your adventure starts now, click here to view our full list of challenges!