What Kit Do You Need to Cycle Across Europe?

What Kit Do You Need to Cycle Across Europe?

Europe is a fantastic place to explore on two wheels! It is the birth place of the Tour de France and home to some of the most scenic bike routes in the world. Europe is a continent full of breathtaking scenery and fascinating history – waiting to be explored!

Have you decided to take on a long-distance European cycling adventure, such as our London to Paris bike ride, EuroCity Cycle or Milan to Monaco challenge? Wherever you’re exploring, it’s important to make sure that you have all the right kit with you when cycling across Europe! Here are the essentials.

The Essentials

  • A fully serviced bike
  • Helmet
  • Strong bicycle lights and spare batteries
  • Puncture repair kit and 2 spare inner tubes
  • Map / Route Guide / GPX Files

Fuel Your Adventure

  • Energy Foods / snack bars
  • Isotonic / high energy drinks or powders (make sure you test these out in training first!)
  • Bicycle water bottles or a rehydration system

On the Bike Clothing

  • Cycling shoes or trainers
  • Padded bib shorts
  • Lightweight waterproof jacket
  • Lightweight t-shirts / cycling jerseys
  • Padded cycling gloves
  • Arm & Leg warmers
  • Socks (wool or synthetic)
  • Sun glasses (With UV protection)

Off the Bike Clothing

  • Casual clothing for the evenings
  • Underwear
  • Sandals / flip flops / lightweight shoes


  • Valid passport and photocopy
  • European Health Insurance Card
  • Travel Insurance (More information on travel insurance can be found HERE)
  • Bike Insurance (Check out Velosure Cycle Insurance).
  • Euro’s / Credit card


  • Basic First Aid Kit
  • Chamois Cream / Vaseline and Sudocrem (to prevent saddle soreness!)
  • Toiletries – toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo/conditioner, tissues, deodorant, sanitary products & towel
  • Insect repellent
  • Sun Cream
  • Camera
  • Mobile Phone
  • Holdall (will be transported in our support vehicle)


Note: Our European cycling adventures include full support from our event crew and skilled bike mechanics. However, if you are venturing out without support, then make sure you pack all the required tools and spare parts. Check out British Cycling’s Top Tips for more info.

We also stay in hotels during our challenges – but if you are going wild camping or stopping over at designated camp sites during your cycle trip, then make sure you have all of your camping kit with you too! Here’s some more info on Cycle Touring and Camping Gear.


Bikes in Amsterdam



Our European Bike Rides

Euro City Cycle

Our Euro City Cycle combines breathtaking city sights with 4 days of superb European cycling. Starting with a journey to the East Coast of England, we catch a ferry to Holland before our overnight stop in Amsterdam. We then spend the next two days cycling to Brussels – arriving just in time for the Brussels Beer festival! Find out more HERE.

270 miles / 4 days cycling / 5 days of adventure / Challenging (1/3) / Accommodation: Hotels

London to Paris Bike Ride

Our London to Paris Bike Ride is an amazing cycling challenge and our most popular European cycling adventure! Whether you are new to cycling, or a keen cycling enthusiast, then this 310-mile challenge will leave you with memories to last a lifetime! If you join us in July, we’ll arrive in Paris in time to watch the finale of the Tour de France! More info can be found HERE.

310 miles / 4 days cycling / 5 days of adventure / Challenging (1/3) / Accommodation: Hotels

Paris to Geneva Cycle

Experience the Tour de France live from Paris, before taking on a challenging 360-mile journey from Paris to Geneva! You’ll get to tackle a Tour de France Col before descending down towards a stunning finish along the shores of Lake Geneva. Find out more HERE.

360 miles / 4 days cycling / 6 days of adventure / Tough (2/3) / Accommodation: Hotels

London to Geneva

If you are looking for that extra challenge, then why not combine our London to Paris and Paris to Geneva challenges into one ultimate cycling adventure! Check it out HERE.

666 miles / 8 days cycling / 10 days of adventure / Extreme (3/3) / Accommodation: Hotels

Milan to Monaco Cycle

A European adventure filled with breathtaking mountain climbs, stunning coastal vistas and an epic finish along the French Riviera. Our Milan to Monaco Cycle incorporates three fantastic countries during three days of stunning cycling! Find out more HERE.

235 miles / 3 days cycling / 5 days of adventure / Tough (2/3) / Accommodation: Hotels


We hope this has prepared you for your next cycle tour around Europe! If you have any questions on our European Cycle Challenges and what’s included, then feel free to give us a call on 01244 676 454 and a member of our events team will be happy to help! Adventure Awaits!


Group on European Cycling Challenge in Paris

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