Top 5 Fundraising Tips and Ideas

Top 5 Fundraising Tips and Ideas

So, you have signed up to a challenge of a lifetime – amazing! Now it’s now time to raise money for your chosen charity and hit your fundraising target!

Asking for sponsorship isn’t always an easy task. However, if you follow our fundraising ideas below and make sure your friends and family are aware that this isn’t a holiday, but a challenge involving mentally and physically demanding days, early mornings and lots of training!


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To help you on your way to reach your fundraising target, here are our top 5 fundraising ideas;


1. Use Social Media

Social media is a fantastic platform to spread the word about your upcoming challenge and to keep people updated on your training and fundraising progress. Make sure you regularly share your online donation page (e.g. Just Giving) and also regularly thank friends and family when they have sponsored you.


Social Media Fundraising


2. Get Your Workplace Involved

Make sure your work place knows about your upcoming challenge and what it involves. Ask if you can be mentioned in the monthly newsletter or send an email to your colleagues with a link to your online donation page. It is also worth asking about matched giving – your company may be willing to match the total amount raised, which is a fantastic way to double your fundraising total!


3. Host an Event

Why not get your friends and family together and host a coffee morning, bake sale or quiz night! It’s a great chance to have some fun, whilst raising vital funds for your chosen charity. Holding a raffle is also a fantastic way to raise some money – ask local businesses to donate prizes and giveaways, and then hold the raffle during your coffee morning or quiz night!


Cake Sale to boost fundraising


4. Contact Your Charity

Make sure your chosen charity is aware that you are raising funds for them – as they will be able to support you in reaching your fundraising target! Your chosen charity will be able to provide you with marketing materials to help you promote your fundraising, spread the word about your challenge and give you further fundraising tips to help you on your way!


5. Get Some Local Media Coverage

It’s a great idea to contact your local newspapers and local radio, to see if they would help to spread the word about your fundraising challenge. If you have a personal reason for taking on the challenge, then make sure you mention this when contacting local media, as this will help to bring the story to life. If you are taking part in a challenge with us, and would like a hand in writing a press release for your local paper, then feel free to get in touch and we’d be happy to help!


Newspaper article - fundraising tip


For more fundraising ideas and for information on fundraising regulations head over to and check out our top tips from our past adventurers - 


 “I held a 6-hour bikathon at a cafe who then matched what we raised. Also held a fancy dress 90s disco night.” Zoe

“I’ve done six charity treks … and raised about £24,000. I always have a fundraising page but 95% of my money comes from events I put on. If you ask someone for money in return for something you are far more likely to reach your target. I dance so put on Vintage 40s Tea Dances, Curry Nights and a Quiz always goes down a treat. Boost takings by having a raffle.” Leah

“We held a charity ball and fun casino night. We didn't over price the tickets so it was affordable for couples. We tossed pound coins or £2 at a gallon bottle (whiskey) and the winner won a gallon of whiskey. It was formal wear which everyone enjoyed. We had roulette and black jack tables. A great night.” Carol

“I ate a fried tarantula in Cambodia. Or at least part of one, I didn’t raise enough extra to encourage me to eat the whole thing. Not an experience I’m intending to repeat but a different way to add a little boost at the last minute. Friends who have done very well with fundraising have done events such as concerts and curry evenings.” Jodie

“I have created a fundraising page and, as I attend craft fairs as a stall holder, taken collecting tins with me.” Helen


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